Dorset Roastmasters Espresso Coffee Pods

 Brazilian, Sumatra Mandheling, and Guatemalan Santa Clara.

Blended together to produce a really great espresso coffee, just right for drinking at any time of the day

You can use these coffee pods for making Americana, Latte, Cappuccino, or just a straight Espresso which ever way you drink your coffee you will not be disappointed

Packed in Recyclable packaging & the coffee Pod can just be put in your domestic composter, or Food Recycling Bin

Great Taste Awards 2020 - One Gold Star Winner

Great Taste Awards 2020 - One Gold Star

Judges Comments:  Well presented coffee with a good bitter dark roasted aroma. This has classic characteristics of a well roasted quality ground coffee, rich with stewed fruit, nutty and interesting caramel that has wonderful complexity and great length. This is an excellent example of a pod coffee tasting as good as a freshly ground one. Well done. Very enjoyable.

Dorset Roastmaters ESE Coffee Pods 50

Dorset Roastmaster Espresso

ESE Coffee Pods

 Pack of 50  

  Great Taste Awards 2020 - One Gold Star Winner